alpha male


alpha male

Metsästäjä, Orion.

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Englannin sanakirja

alpha male (englanti > suomi)

  1. alfauros

alpha male englanniksi

  1. The dominant male in a group of animals.

  2. A dominating, controlling, protecting, successful, and leading man / male.

  3. 2000, Black Enterprise, Alpha Male Investing, Feb 2000 Vol. 30, No. 7, page 54

  4. Alpha male investing Aggressive stock-picker on the prowl for less risky financial plan Stanley Richards may have been a latecomer to investing, but he's made up for lost time by aggressively buying
  5. 2007, Paul Dobransky, L. A. Stamford, The Secret Psychology of How We Fall in Love, link

  6. This alpha-male status gives him the highest opportunity to mate with many of the best genetic examples of the females in his liking
  7. year unknown, Wings Of Success, How to Attract Anything You want in Life, page 32

  8. The alpha male, is lucky in this regard, since he has a gang and while he must protect them all
  9. {{quote-journal

  10. (quote-journal) (London)|date=12 March 2015|url=
